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1000+ Members


SVG Image Why is there an exclusive community for Doctors?

  • The issues of managing money and wealth are unique to your profession.
  • It makes sense to learn collectively and discuss successful implementation.

SVG Image What's in it for your Family?

  • Learn how to manage your money and expand your fortune.
  • Protect yourself and your family from financial scams and unwise purchases.

SVG Image How can you contribute to Nation Building?

  • Please help us with your expertise in the region where you live.
  • Invite your Doctor friends to join this effort.
  • Ask your Patients to learn, Popularize the movement in your clinics, and Create visibility
  • Help us get resourceful people to work for Fingyan, whether full-time or part-time.

Your Learning Path to FinGyan

1. Register

Choose the profession or community profile & Register for Free

2. Access Content

Login with your Mobile number and OTP to directly access a customized education package tailored to your profile

3. Join Community

⁠You also get Enrolled to community blog exclusive for your peer group

4. Money Skills

⁠Must Have Money Skills

5. Live Q&A

Choose the profession or community profile & Register for Free

6. Free Help

Login with your registered mobile number and OTP, You will get instant access to package of courses that is chosen by our expert team specially for your profile.

7. Milestone 1

Ideally you must clear the Money skills in 6 months

8. Beginners Course

Once you complete the FREE Money Skills proceed to take the paid course on any of the Asset Classes like Equity, Bonds, or Mutual Funds.

9. Milestone 2

You should ideally complete the course on one asset class in 6 months or all three in 2 years & you must clear the Money skills in 6 months.

10. Milestone 3

Next enrol for one or more of the advanced paid courses in Equities, MF, or Bonds and finish one asset class in a year and all three in 3 years.

11. Milestone 4

Advance to Professional level and learn portfolio building skills in one or more asset classes in 3 years, to start earning.

12. Educational Journey

⁠Join us on this educational journey to build money, boost family wealth and contribute to the Nation.

Now start with First Step. Register Today!

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